I'm not going to South Africa. So instead I'm gonna try and watch a bit if not all of every game at work, or at home or in a bar or wherever. On the telly. With a beer. And I'm gonna predict who I think is gonna win. And talk about football stuff. So there.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Spain 0-1 Switzerland

A veritable, genuine, cast-iron shocker of a result. I've not joined the bandwagon of those waxing lyrical about Espana (I think they'll get knocked out in the Last 16). But there's no way I expected the Swiss to do a job on them here. The winner will certainly be a nominee for the messiest goal of the tournament. Bollocks, thighs, posts and ankles all played their part in ensuring leather ruffled netting. But it's the pundits and the Spaniards who'll be most ruffled tonight, I'll warrant.